Spangles Loyalty Club
Earn 1 point for every $1 collected!
75 points = Free 12oz. Mudslide
125 points = Sourdough Ham & Cheese Omlet
200 points = 1/3 lb. Gourmet Supreme
275 points = 18 Pak Cinnamon & Sugar Mini Donuts
Confirm sign up to receive special promotions and offers via text by replying “Y” & following the steps when you receive a text from 578-277! Click here to sign up or download the FiveStars app in the Apple Store or Google Play to keep track of your points & check-in when you arrive!
Don’t Miss Out on Sweet Deals!
Make sure you have opt’d in by clicking “Sign On” in the top right corner of Once you have logged in, select Edit Profile in the top right corner of your page and navigate to Notification Preferences on the left. In Notification Preferences, you can subscribe to receive text messages, emails or push notifications from the FiveStars App by checking the box.
Updating Your Telephone Number
To change your current telephone number to a new number, please e-mail Please clearly identify your old and new telephone number and support will then transfer your points and e-mail you with confirmation.
Terms and Conditions
- Earn one point per dollar collected. One dollar minimum spent equals one point.
- Limit one (1) monetary reward per transaction. Monetary reward cannot exceed total of transaction and has no cash value.
- Points are earned on the purchase of Gift Cards, but not when redeeming Gift Cards.
- No points awarded on non-food items.
**You will only be contacted in regards to Spangles VIP Specials, your privacy will be protected and your infomration will not be shared. Up to 4 msg/mo. Reply HELP for help or STOP to cancel. Msg & data rates may apply. Click here for FIveStars Terms and Conditions. Click here to view FiveStars Privacy Policy.
We want to hear about your SPANGLES® restaurant experience!

Corporate Offices:
Spangles Restaurants
437 N. Hillside
Wichita, KS 67214
Hours 8am – 5pm